With the resolution "আত্মার কাছে দায়বদ্ধতায় হাতে রাখি হাত" at heart, KIN commenced its relentless journey on January 30th, 2003. Since then, KIN has been wholeheartedly engaging in numerous social awareness and voluntary activities. KIN operates based on five pillars: KIN School, Blood Donation, Warm Cloth Collection and Distribution , Charity, and Social Awareness . The encouragement and enthusiasm of a group of young dreamers from SUST are propelling KIN towards its ultimate goal.
KIN School remains steadfast in its vision of integrating impoverished and underprivileged children, who lack access to education, into the mainstream educational system, nurturing them into deserving and enlightened citizens of the country. In addition to education, KIN School also focuses on developing their character and moral values. KIN School conducts its teaching activities every day from 4:00-5:00 PM in 2nd Floor of the Central Auditorium, SUST.
KIN arranges blood for the gasping and ill ones by managing blood and arranging blood donation programs throughout the year. Moreover, in terms of distributing warm clothes among the helpless and forfeited, and arranging charity programs to help the poor and destitute, KIN is always ahead. KIN is also working relentlessly to raise public awareness. It arranges many programs on different important social and national days. KIN has been directly participating in voluntary activities for more than 20 years now. It further dreams of standing beside the helpless people and living among them for a thousand more years to come.

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh